My personal favourite method is to use spray baste because this avoids having to stop and start when removing pins. You can also check out Amy’s basting tutorials and other methods here, here, and here.
#Meander quilting on a large quilt how to
I recommend Machingers.īasted Quilt -if you are unfamiliar with how to baste a quilt I would recommend that you watch my tutorial here.

Quilting Gloves -quilting gloves that have grips on the fingertips increases the maneuverability of the 3 layers of fabric under the machine. Quilt Table -is an extension so that the left hand is at the same height as the right when guiding fabric through the sewing machine. A walking foot is feed dogs on top of the fabric allowing the quilt even distribution by the metal teeth of the feed dogs on top and bottom. Walking foot -sewing machines have feed dogs which are metal grips that are located under the presser foot and their function is to move the fabric along when sewing. There are a variety of feet and it may be worthwhile experimenting to see what works best for you. There is always a spring on the base to allow the foot to travel in all directions when quilting. S ometimes referred to as an open toe foot. Following this description, I break down the quilting process step by step for FMQ this specific quilt. I will now provide a brief description of all the materials requires.
#Meander quilting on a large quilt for free
Materials Required for Free Motion Quilting (or FMQ) Are you ready? You are in good hands, I promise. The purpose of this blog post is to offer you a very simple way to quilt a patchwork quilt. So I am here to liberate those quilts and liberate you with the skills to quilt them all.by.yourself! And there they sit, all those quilt tops that could be in the arms of our loved ones or of those in need. Where do you stall in the quilt making process? I find that many finished tops often sit on a shelf or in a bin because the basting and free motion quilting (FMQ) are overwhelming. I’m glad Dara is here to share her talents and help us get motivated and build our confidence in finishing a quilt by machine quilting it ourselves.

to share helpful beginning tips and tricks for Free Motion Quilting on our home machines. I’m excited to have machine-quilting-expert Dara Tomassen of Stitched Quilting Co.